Clan Registration

Join Clan Northlander! This form will be used to create a Clan registry list. You'll be able to find other Clan members in your region or find out about a Northlander you saw on the Forum or met via email. Northlanders have the right to add "Northlander" or "NL" to their posting name on the Forum and can download the Clan logo (above) for their web site.

Forum Name:     
Real Name:     
May we put your Real Name in the Clan registry list? Yes
E-mail Address:     
Where are you from?

Web page title:     
Web page URL:     
Describe yourself:

Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to:

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